What Should a Pregnant Woman Do After a Car Accident?

Car Accident Attorney In Florida

The ever expanding automobile industry helps add millions of cars on the road every year. As the incomes are rising, people become more likely to invest a good fortune of money to buy new vehicles and this in turn has created some major problems for road safety. One can experience harsh traffic even in the most secluded regions. This in turn has also increased number of road accidents, especially car accidents every day. It is difficult to know that more than 1.35 million people die in road accidents every year. An almost 30-50 million people suffers major injuries.

When a normal person can suffer so much from these sudden incidents, it could be devastating for pregnant women to suffer such injuries. Not only for the mother but it could be life threatening for the baby too. It is also often difficult access the situation of babies after the accident and though they are assumed safe in mother’s womb but could rather suffer major injuries too.

If you or your child is injured, call Car Accident Lawyer Tampa Florida for some useful advice and guidelines.

Risk to babies from car accidents

There are multiple issues a baby could likely suffer after a car accident-

  • Uterine Rupture– there is a uterine muscular wall which in case tears can cause bleeding, pain and in severe condition could also result in death of both mother and child.
  • Placental abruption– This is a serious condition when a placental ends up detaching from uterine wall and this leaves the baby starving of vital nutrients or oxygen which is pretty essential for survival.
  • Miscarriage– A little hard impact could also be enough for a mother to suffer miscarriage after a car accident.
  • Infection– There always remains a possibility of some small metal, which might include glass plastic or any other foreign object to enter blood and tissues. In lack of proper treatment this might cause substantial damage to both mother and child.
  • Maternal shock– A critical case when mother suffer blood loss after suffering a car accident and her body find it difficult to pump the blood to important organs, thus creating several issues inside the body which turns dangerous for both mother and baby.
  • Fetal injuries– there are time when a baby suffers from internal injuries and in lack of proper treatment; it turns critical or sometime fatal.
  • Coup and countercoup injuries– this usually happens when someone suffers head injuries after some object hits the head or a case of countercoup when head hits back to some object

Also Read: https://galewski.com/common-causes-of-rollover-car-accidents/

How can a pregnant mother help protect their child?

One should surely avoid driving at first place. It is often regarded as pretty unsafe for a pregnant women to drive these days, we help list some suggestions which a mother should follow.

  • Let someone else drive– Someone who is on the driver’s seat has less time to react during an accident in comparison to anyone sitting on a passenger seat. So it’s important that an expecting woman let someone else driven instead the taking driving wheel on her own hands.
  • Drive safely– There are times when you have to drive in emergency or if there is no one around and you are forced to get the behind the driving wheel on your own, make sure to drive safely and follow all traffic regulation to slim the chances of any miss happening.
  • Move the seat back– Pregnant women should make sure to move the seat as far as possible from the steering wheel but do make sure you remain in proper control. Also try to tilt the steering wheel away from the abdomen.
  • Don’t drive while being sick– People should tend to avoid driving even if you are feeling a simple nausea. If there is no one around, an expecting mother should rather wait instead of taking the command of the steering wheel.

If you suffer an accident, Contact Galewski law firm

The idea is to remain calm and composed even in the most tensed situation. It’s important to take timely action if the women or baby is hurt and that will only be possible when one is able to maintain her composure.

  • Get away from the road– If you remain in the condition to move after the accident, make sure to step aside to safety from the main road or from the point of accident.
  • Call police– It’s important to convey the full situation the authority and let them take over the situation, they are ready to help in the possible way.
  • Medical help– If you have an idea that there is some major injury or an injury which need a quick medical action, make sure to ask for the medical help right away. Once you let them know that you are an expecting mother, there is a totally different procedure to deal with the situation in the right way.

If you or your baby has got any injuries in a car accident, call Galewski Law Group at (800)755-4968 for help. We understand Florida Accident Laws and injuries to expectant mothers and their babies. Contact us for a no-cost consultation.