Common Causes Of Rollover Car Accidents


A car rolling in an accident can be a very horrifying experience. It can cause severe injuries and even fatalities. Understanding the common causes of rollover crashes can protect you and your loved ones from there accidents. If the negligent driver leaves you injured in a rollover crash, you need to contact the experienced legal team immediately.

According to National Highway and Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA), driver’s mistake plays a crucial part in rollover accidents. Aggressive driving or emergency driving can be the common culprit in a rollover accident. It’s very easy to panic after your involvement in a car accident, but you must think before taking any action. Here is a list of driver errors that are facilitate to such overcompensation:

1.       High-speed Driving: Many reports say that speed is one of the most common causes of fatal rollovers. Speeding is a factor in almost 40 percent of all fatal rollovers.

2.       Driving In Illness: Driving while you are feeling sick or when you are not in your senses can cause a serious and deadly rollover accident. Even a small amount of alcohol can be extremely dangerous.

3.       Driving On Damaged Tires: When your tires are not up to the task, they can leave you with a dangerous accident, including rollovers. Your control over your car depends upon your tires condition. The rollover crashes are sometimes the result of a driver’s loss of control.


If a negligent driver leaves you injured in a rollover accident, you can consult an experienced legal team in Florida. Contact us for car accident lawyer today. Galewski Law Group is a group of experienced legal team. We have special team of experienced attorneys for different types of cases. Our team takes each and every case very seriously and personally takes care of everything related to the case. Our firm is located in Tampa, FL. If you have any query, you can visit us after booking the appointment by calling us. For more information, call us at (813) 222-8210 for free consultation.